Endoscopy Services


A colonoscopy is an examination of the colon (large intestine) used to look for changes, such as inflammation, polyps or cancer. A long, thin, flexible tube with a very small camera at the end is gently placed in your anus (bottom) and pushed up and around the inside of your bowel. This is how the lining of your colon is examined.



A gastroscopy is an examination of your throat, food pipe (oesophagus) and stomach, this is known the upper part of your digestive system. A long, thin, flexible tube with a very small camera at the end is gently placed in your mouth and passed down into your stomach.

Capsule Endoscopy:

This is a small camera that is the size of a large vitamin pill that you swallow.  It examines your small bowel (small intestine).  It takes images that get sent to a recorder. The recorder saves all the images so they can be reviewed after the study has finished.


A flexible sigmoidoscopy (flexi-sig) is an examination of your rectum and sigmoid colon. As the whole colon is not examined, less bowel preparation is needed.